Naming My Blog

Truth is, I don't like my belly, and I certainly don't think it is beautiful. But I chose to name my blog, “My Beautiful Belly” because beauty is so much more than what I happen to feel or believe any given fickle moment. Beauty is stronger than contempt or self-hatred or guilt or shame. And deep down, I believe that. Even if most days I look in the mirror and I'm just not seeing it.

This blog is an unfolding story of my weight loss journey. I'm not trying to lose weight to become beautiful. I already am beautiful. Do I believe it? How about on a good hair day? After a good night's sleep? After a good therapeutic dose of laughter? When my jeans fit? After a run? After a good make out session with my husband before the baby wakes? How about when I see myself through my children's eyes... how much my children's love has nothing to do with how I look or how much I weigh. 

Beauty is not in attaining my goal of losing 50 pounds. There is beauty in both my before and after pictures. Beauty is in my story. The story of who I was before I gained weight. The story of an eating disorder. The story of my father's death. The stories of my pregnancies and births of my children. The stories that my stretch marks and C-section scars on my belly tell of pregnancy and labor and birth and becoming a mother.

I am on this weight loss journey to get healthy and become more of who I am meant to be - as a woman, a wife, and a mother. This is my story. 

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